Octoparse xpath pagination
Octoparse xpath pagination


Remplacez le XPath actuel par le nouveau XPath. Double-cliquez sur 'Pagination' pour ouvrir le menu des paramtres.


Here is the code to get the clean list of URLs. Maintenant, vous avez obtenu le bon XPath et l'avez test, revenez Octoparse pour remplacer le XPath actuel par le nouveau XPath. This makes the first method we saw useless, as with this one, we can get all the same information, and more! You’re on the 1 page and you would have to locate the 2 page so that it can always click the next page for pagination purpose.) ( Check out the complete tutorial of. The URLs need to come from the same website!įor every hostel page, I scraped the name of the hostel, the cheapest price for a bed, the number of reviews and the review score for the 8 categories (location, atmosphere, security, cleanliness, etc.). So in this case, to extract multiple pages of data, we will need to modify the XPath of Click to pagination step and make it always locate the next number. It’s important to point out that if every page scraped has a different structure, the method will not work properly. Enter a keyword for which you want to scrape Walmart products. XPath helper (a Chrome extension) is always recommended if you use. Brand details, etc., Step 2: Use the template to scrape Walmart product data.

  • Clean the data and create the final dataframe. Step 1: Open the webpage using a browser with an XPath tool (one that allows you to view the HTML and lookup an XPath query).
  • FireBug and FirePath are good extensions for beginner to learn XPath. In this case, you need to generate the right XP ath expression to find the elements (Next Page) for the pagination loop.
  • Create a new loop that goes over the list of URLs to scrape all the information needed. For example, the screenshot below shows the situation that the original XPath cannot match the Next page element when on the 3rd page.
  • octoparse xpath pagination

  • Clean the data and create a list containing all the URLs collected.
  • Create a “for” loop scraping all the href attributes (and so the URLs) for all the pages we want.
  • We see that every hostel listing has a href attribute, which specifies the link to the individual hostel page. Thankfully, there is a better/smarter way to do things.


    That works if you have just a few URLs, but imagine if you have a 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 URLs! Surely, creating a list manually is not what you want to do (unless you got a loooot of free time)! Then, you could create a new “for” loop that goes over every element of the list and collects the information you want, in exactly the same way as shown in the first method. Here is the code to create the list of URLs for the first two hostels: url = Well, the first way to do this is to manually create a list of URLs, and loop through that list. That’s great, but what if the different URLs you want to scrape don’t have the page number you can loop through? Also, what if I want specific information that is only available on the actual page of the hostel? Loop over a manually created list of URLs

    Octoparse xpath pagination